Class Attire
We highly suggest you visit one of our local dance supply stores (Definitely Dance in Exton and Dance Line in Paoli know our studio well). For shoes especially, brands do not have the same sizing as street shoes so buying them online is very confusing. Plus, the dance supply stores will fit the best type/brand/style for your dancers foot. All ballet shoes are not alike.
Class Attire by Dance Style
Class Attire by Dance Style
Early Dance
Parent & Me
Any color leotard
Tights are optional for these littlest ones - can also wear comfortable pants or shorts
Pink Ballet shoes
Combo 3's, 4's, and 5's:
Black Leotard (can have attached skirt), Bloch brand salmon tights, Pink Ballet Shoes, & Black Tap shoes (Capezio N625C or So Danca TA35).
Hair should be pulled back off the face and secured in a bun. Clips w/ bun holders are suggested – easier for parents (available at dance stores).
Elem Ballet 1:
same as above except no need for tap shoes
Levels 1-6
Black Leotard, Bloch Salmon Tights, Pink Ballet Shoes.
Hair must be pulled back off the face and secured in a bun.
Black Leotard, Black “jazz” pants, tight fitting shorts or capris.
Tights: Bloch Light Tan (preferably convertible).
Hair in ponytail.
Shoes: So Danca JZ43 Carmel or Bloch S0499 Tan or Bloch S0495 Tan.
Black Leotard, Black “jazz” pants, tight fitting shorts or capris.
Hair in ponytail. Shoes: none, barefoot.
Comfortable top. Black “jazz” pants, tight fitting shorts or capris.
Hair in ponytail.
Shoes (all should be full sole): Levels 1-3 can wear So Danca Black TA04/TA05.
Hip Hop
Comfortable top and pants (no crop tops or jeans)
Shoes: Can wear Black Trimfoot JS200 OR Regular sneakers that are bought and used SOLEY for dance class that have white or gray bottoms only, no colored or black soles – DO NOT WEAR OUTSIDE!
Acro for Dance
Black Leotard with either Black “jazz” pants, tight fitting shorts or capris.
Hair in ponytail.
Shoes: none, barefoot.
Dance Attire Details
Please see class information above for full details on which classes require a leotard to be worn.
Please see above for full details on which classes require tights to be worn. Tights belong under the leotard, not over. Please do not roll tights up.
Skirts are allowed in class, however individual instructors may request for no skirts to be worn if she/he so chooses.
Hair should be pulled back neatly away from the face. Girls with very short hair can use combinations of barrettes and headbands in order for them to pull back their hair.
For ballet class, younger students may purchase barrettes at a dance apparel store that allow you to insert a ponytail into a net for a quick and simple bun.
All intermediate and advanced students must put their hair into a neat bun for ballet classes.
For all other styles, a ponytail is sufficient.
Shoes are denoting by each different style. Please visit your dance apparel store for purchase. Ballet shoes divide into two types. More definitions:
BALLET SHOES are worn by both sexes. Girls should purchase pink, boys should buy black. They should be reputable brands and be purchased at your nearest dance apparel store. Payless shoes are actually sometimes more expense and are also lesser quality leather.
Canvas or leather? It’s up to you. Leather lasts a little longer, but canvas breathes a little better. Buy whichever is more comfortable.
What about those little strings at the top? You are supposed to use these to pull the shoe snug on the dancer’s foot. Then tie them in a square knot. You can then cut off some of the excess. The little strings are not supposed to be tied in bows and left on top of the shoe— they are to be tucked neatly into the shoe.
POINTE SHOE: The second type of shoe worn by ballet dancers is the pointe shoe. This shoe is only worn by females, and only after several years of intensive training. Dancers will be told by their teachers when they are allowed to begin taking pointe classes and will discuss the various types and details of pointe shoes to the student and parent at that time.​
Boys Ballet
Boys who are just starting the study of ballet are encouraged to wear any loose, comfortable clothing, such as sweatpants or bike shorts, a solid color T-shirt, & ballet shoes. Boys in intermediate and advanced classes should wear a white, form-fitting T-shirt tucked into a Dance belt (a type of athletic supporter for dancers), worn with black footed tights and black ballet shoes​